
The perfect substrate that ensures nourishment and moisture

CBF blends together the features of biochar, vermicompost and essential nutrients to enhance germination, root growth and overall plant resilience.

This supersoil, seedling mix and bedding substrate combines several products in one: thanks to the multi-purpose properties of CBF it can be used to fill seedling trays, to optimize transplanting and for preparation of vegetables, fruit and nut trees. This ready-to-apply product is the best-selling natural nourishing substrate in Cambodia.

We sell to input suppliers, wholesalers and agricultural cooperatives. Discover your nearest outlet to get HUSK products.

CBF results and benefits

Format: 20kg substrate bags. (50 L).

*Our results in Cambodia show a yield increase between 10 and 70% depending on the crop, which means higher revenues for farmers as well as a reduction in chemical fertilizers and pesticides and irrigation costs.

** Proven carbon stability of minimum 100 years

Soil types and applications

CBF provides optimal  moisture balance and nutrient availability, perfect for germination and transplanting stages.

CBF can be  effectively  combined with HUSK biostimulant. for even faster germination, extra protection against soil and plant diseases and sweeter tasting fruits and vegetables.

HUSK formula

Balanced blend CBF contains:

Ideal for

≥15% organic Carbon, the basis for soil health and fertility

≤30% moisture content that keeps live and rich ingredients

≥20% Biochar content which  improves aeration and prevents soil disease

Long-term source of NPK available for plant

*Proven carbon stability of minimum 100 years

Ideal for

Preparing germination and seedling process
Bed preparation for vegetable crops (mixed with top soil)
Transplanting vegetable seedlings, fruit and nut trees (filling transplanting hole)

HUSK experts recommend

For boosting results, duplicate recommended dosage in very poor soils

After transplanting, dilute HUSK biostimulant (1:200) in water and spread around the root zone to stimulate growth and prevent disease
How to apply and recommended dosage

HUSK Quality

Our production of CBF is 100% made in Cambodia (Kampong Thom Province) with rice husk biochar and natural nutrients.

Using our products is one of the most viable, scalable ways of removing carbon from the atmosphere (contributing to climate change) and sinking  it back into the soil for hundreds of years!

Nest City Lab, Carrer Àlaba 100, Barcelona
Office: Workspace 1, #1159 National Road 2, Khan Mean Chey, Phnom Penh
Production site: AMRU Rice Mill, NR6, Kampong Thom, Cambodia Tel: +855 61 365 199

HUSK VENTURES SL has received support from ICEX and co-financing from the European FEDER Fund within the framework of the ICEX Next program. The aim of this support is to contribute to the international development of the company and its environment.